Pay It Forward

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Pay It Forward

from $2.00

This listing allows those who can afford it to gift any one of our products to someone who can't afford it. Simply choose which product you'd like to give and it'll be sent to the next person in line who's applied via the form.

Are you someone who can't afford one of our products but would still like to try to get one? Fill out this form here:

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Why choose beeswax?

  • When burned, negative ions are produced acting as a natural air purifier.

  • It is the most dense wax, meaning it lasts longer than other waxes.

  • It is a natural byproduct from the beekeeping industry, making it a very sustainable option. When honey is ready to be collected, the beekeepers remove the wax caps of the honey comb cells.

Free Gift!

  • All orders come with free wax melt dabloons so you can try out other scents!